Thursday, February 27, 2020

Economics of Gender Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economics of Gender - Research Paper Example Recognition of gender equality therefore enriches economic growth in a nation. Gender equality is conveyed in approaches, opinions, actions and policies that mirror an equal valuing and endowment of opportunities for both genders. Absence of discrimination between both genders can also evidence equal eminence between the females and the males in a society. In gender equality, all individuals hold an equivalent level of power and indulge other people with respect and consideration irrespective of their sex (Dollar, David & Gatti, 1999). Equal opportunities and equal worth for both sexes is therefore a demonstration of gender equality. Gender equality can be seen where there is no inferior valuation of females to males at birth. In a society that there is gender equality, women are accorded both their legal and marital rights. The fertility rates and child mortality rates are also lowered. There is no one solitary measure for quantifying the status of women comparative to men at the universal level. Research indicates that two measures can generally be used and these are the gender-related development index and the gender empowerment measure (Mikkola, 2007). The gender-related development index cascades if the accomplishment levels of both women and men reduce or if the discrepancy between their achievements intensifies. On the other hand, the gender empowerment measure scrutinizes whether women and men are competent to energetically partake in the economic and political life of a society. It also studies whether women do take part in decision-making in a society. This measure is fashioned using information on women’s purchasing influence and decision-making supremacy in the economy and political power in Parliament. Despite the use of these two types of measures, the measurement of gender equality can sometimes be difficult. This is because some of the roles t hat

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

1 - Assignment Example in organizing intrusion and/or misuse scenarios by: utilizing known vulnerabilities and weak system points and analyzing system dependencies and weak points and then represent these weaknesses on. Attack trees establish an intuitive model that systematically describes the possible attack scenarios on a system and therefore forms the basis for threat analysis (Ghazizadeh & Zamani, 2012). Basically, the difference is in the two techniques used for encryption i.e. symmetric and public key encryption. Both the sender and the receiver in symmetric encryption share the same key to encrypt and decrypt a message. This is achieved using the secret key. In public key encryption, the sender and the receiver both have public and a private key. The private key is known only to the person who holds and the public key is known by other users. The difference between the two keys is that the secret key is used in symmetric encryption while the private key is used in public key encryption or asymmetric encryption (Brooks, 2005). Both parties i.e. sender and the receiver hold the secret key while private key is only held by one of the parties, each party has his own private key. A private key is generated for an asymmetric encryption algorithm which is retained by the owner while the accompanying public key is open for others to use for secure communications/authentication. The priva te key isn’t shared with any person. A secret key on the other hand is a single key used in symmetric encryption algorithm and is only shared between the communicating parties and kept secret from all the others. The key must be transmitted to or shared with all parties by sue of a method outside the communication link it is intended to secure. Biometrics are defined as metrics related to human characteristics. Biometrics authentication is a form of identification and access control used to identify persons in groups under surveillance. The identifiers use unique and measurable traits to label and